Where do you even begin?
People ask me this a lot. It is a question that no doubt swirls around their mind on-repeat, taking up space and keeping them stuck. In this piece I want to try and answer that question and help you to move forward.
You have an established career and you’ve been in the same sector for many years. Staying where you are or doing more of the same sounds sensible but inside you know that you’ve come to the end of the road. Or you have a sinking feeling that someone else might make the decision for you in the current climate. So what can you do?
1/ Listen
If what you really want is a way out, then the very first thing that you have to do is listen to your own intuition.
The same voice that tells you that you need out probably has some other ideas if you can tap into it.
Dig into what really matters to you, in life and work. Maybe you want to work less or differently. Maybe it’s time to specialise or pivot or try something you wished you had done when you were younger.
2/ Explore
There are a few ways to get to grips with what matters to you. Keeping a journal can be really effective. If just the thought of freeform journaling gives you writer’s block, try one of these:
It’s a good idea to pick one area to focus on first by using a life wheel model or the Designing Your Life dashboard. In my experience, what you think the problem is might not be the actual root cause and an exercise like this draws that out quickly. Is it worth it? Yes, because a small amount of reflection can save you lots of heartache and oftentimes, an improvement in one area can have a significant positive impact on all areas of your life.
Connecting with and exploring your own ideas is essential but so is widening your perspective. Get curious, read a new book, listen to a podcast or watch a Ted Talk to make new connections and develop new ideas.
Here are some of my favourites:
3/ Build Confidence
Career change requires resilience, so you need to strengthen your reserves at this point.
Firstly, get really clear on what your top strengths are.
Try this free assessment tool which helps you compare your strengths both at work and in other areas of life. Leaning into your strengths can support decision-making and increase engagement.
Reflect on your career achievements to-date.
International Career Coach, Kerri Twigg (https://www.career-stories.com) recommends you buy some index cards and each day for a week write a short description of your top achievement in each previous role.
All of this work will support you at application and interview stage but at the moment the work is necessary so you can feel confident in yourself and clearer on your chosen direction.
4/ Be strategic
You do this is at work, so make sure you bring this skill to the process. Download the worksheet from my website that ensures you have thought of all the areas:
What you really want in your next move?
Where you might find it?
Who can help you?
5/ Repeat
This is a sustainable process, one that you can use over and over as things change, as you change. I hope this post has given you a place to start and that you are thinking more positively about the process ahead.
If you’d like to explore where to begin or feel like you would benefit from support in this process, I’ve helped dozen of clients just like you find the work that makes their whole life work.