Why are you here? Why are you still here? My coach was asking me the question. It hung in the air. I didn’t know but I thought about it.
Something about valuable work? Something about this is where opportunities had led me after having children? Something about flexibility and autonomy? Was that really enough?
The coach’s question came back to me over and over again in subsequent months and I wondered if the problem was that I didn’t really know…
10 months later I started reading Designing Your Life and started figuring out where ‘Here’ even was. I decided to prioritise improving my health and work towards my forgotten aim of becoming a career coach.
1 year later I handed in my notice and 6 months later I started my coaching business.
My idea of becoming a career coach had become lost over time. I don’t regret the turns in the road that I had taken because each of them brought me friends and learning experiences that make me who I am now. But I had compromised, fulfilling roles that others had planned for me; roles that I delivered effectively and efficiently but that weren’t my highest point of contribution or in my ‘Zone of Genius’ to quote Gay Hendricks and that had begun to affect my enjoyment at work.
My coach’s powerful question woke me up to that fact and got things back on track.
That’s the power of coaching.
So, if you are playing it safe, doing the roles as they come up, staying in post for flexibility or security just because you don’t believe that you can find it anywhere else, then please get in touch as you might just be ready for career coaching.
You can connect with me on LinkedIn or email hello@fionareith.co.uk